Thursday, April 29, 2010

And I quote...

Listen up people! I just got an email that I was quoted in the Mormon Times. Can I say...Way Cool!

Until now, the only person who ever quoted me (that I know of, at least) was my three year old daughter. And trust me, that isn't always a good thing.

Check it out here!

(Thanks Tamara, for letting me know!)


Janet said...


Andrea :) said...

Wohoo! You're famous!
And now I can say I know someone famous ;)

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Super cool! Can I say, "I knew you when"?

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Congrats, Kim!! Woot! BTW--I <3 your new pic!!!

Melissa Cunningham said...

Thank you for coming over and being my 99th follower! I LOVE that! You are just as fabulous as any number and who wants to be a big, fat 100 anyway? LOL

Thank you and I look forward to following you too!