Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Was Going To Read It...

Many years ago while flipping through the channels I was drawn into a movie. I didn't know the name of it at first, but then found out it was called Les Miserables. I don't remember much about it, other then I liked it. Last week when the book came to my attention on Goodreads I decided I would like to read it.

That was before I picked it up from the library and realized it is 1432 pages.

Umm... maybe not.

I don't have time to make that kind of commitment right now!

So, it's going back to the library today, unread. I think I'll have to just watch the movie again. Maybe when life slows down a little (ya, right!), I can try again.

Have any of you read Les Mis?

Also, if you haven't already entered, check out my giveaway! It ends this Friday.


MTeacress said...

I did the exact thing you did - took it home from the library with good intentions and not enough time! I've only seen portions of the movie, and was very impressed. :)

amber_mtmc said...

I love the musical so very much. But, the book? Yeah, can't afford the time. Ha! Maybe that can be one of those year-long books.

Jamie said...

I have read it twice, but have never seen the movie or the musical. I love the music and listen to it all the time, but haven't had a chance to see it yet. The book is EXCELLENT, although rather dense. It helped having some knowledge of the story from the music to keep me knowing what was going on.

Becca said...

Okay, like Jamie said, get to know the (fabulous) music first, and then dive in. It's one of my favorite books. I read it once a year for the first ten years I was married. I talked my oldest Kid into reading it last summer. It's glorious.

But it is heavy. Romanticism, with loads of extra words. But the characters? Love. And the story? Love. And the feeling of "just hold off on that judging, sister"? Really, really love.